this week was good because of...

...treating ourselves to dinner at one of our favorite restaurants to celebrate the end of our semesters.

...a really fun date night full of laughter and love.

...finding out that a band I really like is playing at the state fair this summer - and realizing that I can actually go!  (I've typically missed concerts at the state fair because they've conflicted with staff training, hall openings, etc.)

...using one of the generous gift cards from Faithful Blonde.

...purchasing four more of the bowls I've chosen to complement my china. office outing to the local frozen yogurt shop.

...a sense of relief that this enormous stuffed gorilla that we saw in a parking lot was gone (to a good home, we hope!) when we returned.

...the flexibility to mix a half-day of work with a half-day of doctors' appointments.

...beautiful, mild weather - the kind that makes driving with the windows open delightful.

...a yummy, fulfilling chef salad at the end of a hectic day.

...wi$ely resisting the urge to eat out and go shopping on Tuesday evening.

...pushing through a Thursday work day of very low energy to get a bunch of little things done.

...being highly entertained by videos of this adorable cat.

...a really good evening of conversation and learning at our weekly small-group gathering.

...publishing my 1000th blog post!

...using my cast-iron skillet for the first time to make the first recipe from my new favorite cookbook and cookbook conversations with Mom.

...two interesting and thoughtful reflections on North Carolina's recent voting results.

...leftover coffee cake french toast.

...a successful and efficient transition from spring housing to summer housing.

...feeling good about the summer staff I'll be working with.

...the look on Gru's face on Thursday night when my bedtime was a little bit later than usual.

...reading a good book that Mom had lent me.

...a "Bogota Blackberry"-colored pedicure on Friday afternoon.

...his amusement by my varied taste in music (as evidenced by my scrapbooking playlist).

...taking a couple of hours Saturday morning to catch up on Board of Directors work.

...having a "leftovers and a movie" kind of dinner.

...spending a relaxing Mother's Day at home with Mom Bear and Dad Bear.

...a simple, wonderful Mother's Day gift coming together just like I planned.

What made your week good?

Where I am: home
What I'm reading: (nothing at the moment)


Anonymous said…
lovely pedicure! very cute toes too! mmm, blackberries, tasty ;)

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