A primer for driving in New Jersey

For those who have never experienced driving in the Garden State, here are a few pointers:

1. When you need to stop for gas, don't bother getting out of your car. There is no such thing as self-serve in New Jersey.

2. When you're driving on a major road or highway, and you need to make a left turn or a u-turn, get in the right-hand lane. You will take the next exit or right turn, and proceed through a series of clover-leaf turns to get where you wanted to be.

3. When you see a speed limit sign, you can pretty much ignore it. I've been passed by a cop twice now on the NJ Turnpike (both times while doing at least twenty over), and have seen only one person pulled over. He had three cop cars behind him, though, so I'm thinking he was doing more than speeding. When in doubt, just go with the traffic around you.

And lastly:

4. When you get back to wherever you normally drive, there will most likely be a period of adjustment, as you realize you can no longer drive that fast. Because the people you thought were fast drivers in your town? Are turtles compared to the Jersey drivers, who drive somewhere near the speed of light (or maybe sound...whichever is faster.).

Where I am: Home
What I'm reading: Freedomland


Dan said…
3a) If you really want to confuse NJ drivers, use your turn signal. Most cars available in the Garden State apparently come without them.

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