when "daddy's girl" dates in high school

When I was in high school, Dad had a "rule" that a guy coming to pick me up should always come to the door...that he should never pull into the driveway and honk his horn. Dad would say that, the first time the guy did that, he (Dad) was going to walk out, get in the car and tell the guy to show him a good time. If the guy was dumb enough to do it a second time, Dad claimed he'd put a shot of buckshot through the radiator. Now thankfully, I never had to find out just how serious Dad was about this "rule"...in fact, I'm pretty sure he was just kidding, using the story to make sure I expected respect from the guys I dated. However, stories like that also terrified me...because I never knew just how much of a hard time he might give a guy.

So when Mom and I heard Rodney Atkins' new song last night...well, all we could do was laugh at how accurately it captures the sentiment of Dad and my high school dating.

"Come on in boy sit on down
And tell me about yourself
So you like my daughter do you now?
Yeah we think she's something else
She's her daddy's girl
Her momma's world
She deserves respect
That’s what she'll get
Now ain't it son?
Y’all run along and have a little fun
I'll see you when you get back
Probably be up all night
Still cleanin' this gun"

Laugh all you want...but considering how active Dad was at my high school and how many of my friends heard about the car "rule" and other stories, I'm amazed I ever scored a date in high school. Those guys must have really liked me!

Where I am: Lebanon, KY
What I'm reading: the autobiography of the Dalai Lama (yes, still!)


Anonymous said…
Yeah, I had to get my dates from guys from different high schools, who were not previously exposed to my parents... :-)

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