Easier said than done

Well, today's horoscope is a little more on track than the one from last week:

You've had your natural diplomacy running in high gear for some time with regard to a given situation -- perhaps work related, maybe in the romantic realm or maybe just with your car mechanic -- but you, too, have your limits. Call off your peacekeeping mission before you totally burn yourself out. A little conflict doesn't have to be scary, and it can even be quite productive. Say what you mean and mean what you say.

The problem is that this may be great advice, but it's not exactly easy advice to follow. I know, I know..."life's not easy", blah, blah, blah. But when life seems as stressful as it does right now, the idea of creating more problems...just doesn't seem worth the relief of being done with the diplomacy. Bleh.


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