this week was good because...
...I got to teach not one, but two yoga classes. (What a compliment to have students from last week bring friends with them to this week's classes!)
...of time spent laughing, chatting, and decompressing with colleagues.
...a friend posted a meme on Facebook that reminded me how important it is to show myself the same grace I extend to others and encourage them to show themselves. football team won! (Barely. But a win is a win.)
...there are great and interesting features on Netflix. I definitely recommend the drama, "Message from the King" (starring the late Chadwick Boseman), and the documentary, "Becoming."
...Wildcat Guy and I celebrated our seventh wedding anniversary. menu plan for the week was well-designed and well-implemented.
...another powerful, timely, bold and practical sermon from the lead pastor at my church.
What made your week good?
What I'm reading: Standing Strong by Alli Worthington