this week was good because...
...there was a lovely sunset in the sky to end a wonderful weekend.
...I was able to practice more awesome yoga.
...a thoughtful sermon on the idea of being content as it's discussed in Phillipians 4. husband tried out the grill left behind by the previous owners, with yummy results.
...a new season of my favorite guilty pleasure on TV.
...I successfully cut my husband's hair.
...of the opportunities to stay connected with professional colleagues and friends online and by mail.
...the grocery store had Tiramisu-flavored Oreos. Even though I'm not convinced they taste like tiramisu, they definitely taste delicious.
...naps on the couch.
...I found a good balance in navigating and processing a variety of emotions. of the bunnies in the yard was brave enough to come onto our deck.
...time spent scrapbooking (it felt so good to get in that flow!).
What made your week good?