insist: the summer bucket list

Happy first day of summer! I hear it's also International Day of Yoga (namaste!), and National Wear Your Lilly Day (cheers!).

I'd been seeing this Summer Bucket List concept in various places on social media; so I decided this season to join in. Because why not?! Making a list of fun stuff to do during the awesome season of summer seemed like a good way to INSIST on making the most of the next few months.

For the record, my "summer" runs from Memorial Day to Labor Day, which means I have a bit of a headstart on this list; but there is still plenty to be done in the next couple of months:
  • Stand-up paddleboarding
  • Get a tan
  • Read 10 new books (or more)
  • Scrapbooking...LOTS & LOTS of scrapbooking (maybe even finish 2010-2011 album?)
  • Go to a concert at the zoo.
  • Lose weight
  • See the fireworks on 4 July.
  • Make sweet tea more often! (like, every week!)
  • Keep studying the Bible
  • Sightsee in Forth Worth
  •  Get ice cream at Ray's...and other local places?
  • Monthly visits to Eastern Market
  • Keep trying new recipes (for meals AND for desserts)
And yes - there are items on this list that I would have done regardless, bucket list or not. Let's just say those are things I consider a quintessential part of summer, so not to have them on my list would feel entirely wrong. Besides - isn't it nice to have certain confidence-building slam dunks on a to do list?

And yes - being the list-maker that I am, I included dots to check off as I accomplish each item or component. Because if I'm going to make a list, I INSIST on enjoying the satisfaction of checking off items as I go.

What's on your summer bucket list?


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