lessons learned in thriving: june

Feeling progress (in my muscular strength) does not always mean seeing progress (in my muscular definition). That's a little bit disappointing, and yet I am so proud of myself for working hard on my fitness each morning. Ultimately, I trust that the results will be worth the effort.

As I work on improving my physical health, it is also becoming easier to feel and notice the impact our household products have on my body. Slowly - very slowly - I am finding replacements for our cleaners, my cosmetics, even my salon of choice for pedicures to take better care of my skin and overall health.

However, I am still working on the "healthy eating" portion of being healthy. On the plus side, I am becoming more discerning in where I splurge and indulge...yet I still splurge and indulge a bit more than I should.

We have our differences...we have our difficult moments...but my husband is a wonderful man. He is patient, supportive, funny. I am grateful to have him as my partner.

Eventually, you have to say goodbye to the vehicle you received as a gift in college. (I hope to share that obituary at some point.) When that goodbye is unexpected, you end up with two significant new notches in the belt of adulthood - securing a wi$e car loan, and purchasing a first car. It was a nerve-wracking experience, but one that I am pleased with. It feels odd not to look for my little red truck in the parking lot anymore, and I keep calling my "newsed" car a truck. Yet I feel fortunate that the whole vehicle situation turned out the way it did, as easily as it did.


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