this week was good because of...

...a visit to a local cider mill with my love and our friends.

...small moments that added up to a great weekend.

...cinnamon sugar doughnuts and fresh apple cider.

...a good yoga practice on Wednesday evening that felt simultaneously challenging and soothing.

...finishing the Book of Proverbs.

...the opportunity to have genuine conversations with my students. peaceful Gru looks snoozing in the sunshine.

...laughter and conversation while we watch the season premiere of a favorite show.

...the gorgeous, vibrant colors that are spreading across the trees here.

...preparations for our upcoming vacation.

...the way my rings sparkle in the sunshine after they've been cleaned.

...a pumpkin pie smoothie from the campus cafe.

...the rewarding feeling of how well this month's budget has gone.

What made your week good?


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