this week was good because of...

...a movie date with my love.

...the DVD's of wedding photos from our photographer - and how much fun it was to make up our own captions for the series of pictures from the wedding ceremony.

...the delightful fact that the theater right down the street from our house is in the new style, with seats that recline (and are reserve-able).

...a vet's office that was able to order Gru-kitty's food.

...this. As absurd as it seems, yes - this is a squirrel; and yes - it is climbing on my window screen.

...a different, but good yoga class at the campus rec center that I'm looking forward to going back to.

...these lovely note cards from the dollar section at Target.

...a daily rhythm that I'm settling into at work that allows me to respond promptly to students' needs and make effective progress on other tasks.

...this well-written reminder (by a favorite author) to take advantage of the personal and cultural opportunities we are provided.

...this beautiful scene from campus Friday evening, of deer having their dinner. amusing it is to work in a place that requires me to be familiar with medical terminology.

...the truth and relevance I found in this awesome article about creative personalities.

...finding a grocery store that carries our favorite tomato soup, among other familiar brands. funny it is to think about how foreign past technologies can seem.

...a Saturday of quiet and relaxation. (It had been far too long since I sat and read a book.)

...this reminder of how valuable those moments of quiet can be.

What made your week good?


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