this week was good because of...

...our first Christmas as Mr. and Mrs.

...the delicious spread of food at Mom and Dad's on Christmas Eve. relaxing and quiet it is to spend the day at home.

...awesome holiday socks (that I found for like, $4 at Target!) that I dressed to match.

...setting some good intentions for all the free time I have for the foreseeable future.

...the lovely new perfume that Wildcat Guy gave me for Christmas. winning our bet that I knew what he got me for Christmas. Orange Leaf, here I come!

...lots of Christmas hugs and kisses.

...a gentle yet challenging yoga practice on Saturday morning.

...the over-the-top feeling of Christmas at the in-laws' house.

...playtime with my nephew.

...this word that appeared in my letters "tray." Seriously. I did no rearranging.

...a post-Christmas day of nothing much at all. Except maybe a movie marathon.

...making the simple album to highlight the photos and notes from the photo booth at our reception.

...a fun cookbook - The Can't Cook Book - that I admire for its simplicity and instructional content.

...patience to work through the technical issues of using my camera with the "new" laptop.

...this moment of affection between my guys. Earlier this week, Wildcat Guy said that Gru sets a high standard for any cat we own after him. It makes my heart happy that he (a self-proclaimed dog person) has found space for this fluffy little sweet kitty.

...sausage tortellini soup (that I can't find the online recipe for). Yum!

...being able to change address information on three magazine subscriptions at once.

...all the movies we got for Christmas. Oh, and the amusement of realizing how child-like our tastes in movies can sometimes be.

...taking advantage of exchanges and gift cards to get some errands done.

What made your week good?

Where I am: home
What I'm reading: just finished Innocence by Dean Koontz


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