this week was good because of...

 ...a weekend yoga retreat with a dear instructor - including this delightfully-cheerful statue that ended up being directly in my line of sight throughout the two days.

...the opportunity to recenter and refocus as wedding responsibilities come to an end, and a fiance-turned-husband who understood the value of this experience for me.

...realizing why yoga people opt for braids. (Okay, and vain, non-yoga moment - the compliments from Wildcat Guy were fun, too.)

...granting myself permission to lay low for some of Sunday afternoon as my body (and my spirit) finished processing the weekend's activities.

...the beauty of the full moon over the weekend.

...naps on the couch after work - especially when Gru napped along on my lap.

...all the meals we were able to wi$ely get out of the wedding leftovers. dinner together - he, the meat; me, the potatoes.

...a campus concert by an amazing (!!) band. This music was phenomenal.

...our official confirmation of marriage arriving in the mail.

...having time to ourselves in various ways.

...picking up a few more things from our wedding registry. and football on Saturday evening.

...the season's first cup of hot chocolate. Even if the cafe doesn't have marshmallows. Yet. email after the wedding from my dad, telling me he and Mom were proud of me.

What made your week good?

Where I am: home
What I'm reading: last week's issue of Entertainment Weekly


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