this week was good because of...


...dinner and a movie with my love - the perfect date for a Sunday evening.

...a touching, genuine reflection capturing some beautiful truths about life.

...(finally) opening my Valentine's box of chocolates - and being thrilled to have the guide.

...a fantastic campus concert by a brass quintet.

...gratitude that the week felt manageable, even though there was a lot on the calendar. a fun baby shower for a colleague friend.

...cupcakes that turned out nicely (even though a Plan B was required for the frosting).

...finding a card for our gift that matched the shower theme. (You're surprised that this type of little detail thrills me??)

...the annual modern dance performance on campus - which gets better every year.

...wearing sandals for the first time of the year. (Well, for the first time of year here at home.)

...the trailer for a movie that looks really interesting.

...completing our second wedding registry.

...this awesome purse that I am now drooling over (and budgeting for).

...lots of home cooking. attached Gru is becoming to Wildcat Guy since he's been spending more time at my place recently.

...some time with the Wildcat family on Saturday evening.

What made your week good?

Where I am: home
What I'm reading: The Kind Diet by Alicia Silverstone and Falling Together by Marisa de los Santos


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