this week was good because of...
...beautiful weather and open windows.
...a thought-provoking sermon about anger at church this morning.
...a musical pick-me-up on a slow Monday afternoon.
...having a well-planned, wi$e trip to the grocery store.
...Cadbury chocolate creme eggs. Enough said.
...this fresh perspective about the values of "limitations" in our lives.
...Gru's continued love for his box (especially after defending it from an invading roach).
...finishing my March budget and that little thrill of finishing under.
...a lovely sunset on Saturday evening.
...the slow, but satisfying start to organizing, cleaning out and packing (both at home and at work).
...yummy meals patched together from various leftovers.
...a wonderful week of campus celebrations.
...getting my state tax refund.
...this sweet bouquet of flowers from my love.
...watching some great performances on tonight's ACM awards show.
...adding a new photo mural to our wall o' pictures.
...the fun of packages in the mail.
What made your week good?
Where I am: home
What I'm reading: Daring Greatly by Brene Brown and The Kind Diet by Alicia Silverstone