this week was good because of...


...spending lots of quality time with Baker Blonde and her family.

...enjoying some old favorite traditions while also checking out new attractions (including restaurants - more on that later this week!).

...laughs and antics with these adorable little girls.

...seeing my favorite Disney character in the local St. Patrick's Day parade.

...this really cute series of illustrations about life in college.

...Gru's sweet act of resistance to my packing on Thursday morning.

...getting to spend a little bit of time with my Grandpa at the hospital.

....the grace to make peace with how his health is declining.

...a soft sunrise on my way to the airport.

...delivering Flat Stanley.

...taking an ice cream break with one of my colleagues...and making a Starbucks run with three others another day.

...the slower pace of Spring Break on campus.

...working from home on Tuesday (and making it uber-productive). doughnuts for dessert (and making Wildcat Guy jealous).

...meeting more of Baker Blonde's friends and neighbors.

...spending some time in Williams-Sonoma to plan our wedding registry.

...the awesomeness of small things like running errands or going shopping with a girlfriend.

...plans for a colleague friend's baby shower.

What made your week good?

Where I am: North Carolina
What I'm reading: last week's issue of Time magazine


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