this week was good because of... amazingly rewarding professional development a wonderful resort. of the best keynote speeches I've ever heard.

...wading in the ocean (okay, the Gulf) and burying my toes in the sand.

...some really yummy seafood (more on that to come).

...fireworks on the beach (in celebration of the conference organization's 25th anniversary).

...being okay with my need to be a little less social than I could have been.

...a roommate and professional colleague with whom I continue to find more and more similarities - down to our choice in shoes.

...presenting a program at a national conference for the first time.

...coming home to a lovely sunset that kind of made up for the cold and rain. Kind of.

...the flight attendant's joke during his safety speech - "if the Love jet becomes the Love Boat..."

...hugs from Wildcat Guy when I arrived at the airport.

...celebrating his 30th birthday with dinner at his favorite restaurant.

...the chance to just sit, relax and enjoy each other's company for the night.

...cuddles and affection for Gru when we got home on Sunday night.

...this amazing and artfully-delightful reminder that I wish I could have permanently engraved in my brain.

...a six-pack of my favorite soda, given from a coworker as congratulations for a successful conference last weekend.

...this lovely graphic that has such dear reminders about my relationship with my love. awesome list that I wish more people could read and absorb. interpretation of "chocolate cherry cake," to celebrate a staff member's birthday.

...a staff that has been patient and hard-working during the past two weeks (in which I've left them to work quite independently).

What made your week good?

Where I am: home
What I'm reading: (absolutely nothing!)


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