this week was good because of...

...some holiday peace on Saturday afternoon with a soundtrack of Christmas music and kitty snoring.

...finishing the last of my Christmas shopping (and feeling great about the gifts I'll be giving).

...this beautifully-written reflection about showing grace to one's self.

...the courage to try a hairstyle I haven't had in quite a while - and a hairstylist I could trust to make it great.

...finally (!) getting a morning to really, truly sleep in, with no obligations to worry about.

...relief that the newest problem with my truck was an easy (and inexpensive!) fix.

...finding out that one of the local cafes serves sweet potato fries - yum!

...a successful attempt at learning to make caramel sauce. (I almost said "first"...but technically, the successful result was the second try. But that's a post of its own!) last totally-accurate item to put on my Dear Santa list

...treating myself to a "I'm on vacation for almost two weeks!" massage.

...all the paperwork that I got caught up on this week (and the reward of a work week after the students have left for the break).

...the opportunity to take care of my colleague's baby for a little while.

...mailing the last of the Christmas cards.

...a partner who is patient with the unique combination of holiday stress and PMS.

...placing the order for my Project Life supplies.

...the first bit of snow for this season.

...taking an afternoon break from the office to get a warm drink.

...Gru discovering that he can get into the kitchen cabinets on his own - although why he chose that particular cabinet (home to cleaners and recycling), I have no idea.

...this sweet compilation of cuteness. cookies (including chocolate-covered pfeffernusse!).

...the always-appreciated year-end dividend from my auto insurance company.

What made your week good?

Where I am: home
What I'm reading: Rules of Civility by Amor Towles


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