torn out: from smithsonian

(The Style and Design issue - this looks interesting!)

(After having an ongoing conversation with a friend about the various perspectives of life as a twenty-something or thirty-something, I found this quote amusing.)

(This type of performance art is so intriguing to me - especially when prompted by a political message about invisibility.  Look really closely at the space between the soldier in white and the soldier in black - there is a person there who has been painted to blend in.)

 (With all the conversations happening in the news media and election campaigns about poor v. rich, I found this diagram really impactful.)

(Stellwagen National Marine Sanctuary?  Never heard of it!  But now I'm interested in learning more about what's happening there.)

(Although I don't know much about Aung San Suu Kyi, I appreciated her thoughts on meditation and the benefits it brings into life.  This was especially timely, given that my yoga teacher has added an optional time of meditation to the end of our weekly classes.)

(I found this graphic of the @ symbol lovely - and the accompanying brief history of its rise to prominence informative.)

(This perspective of the pink plastic flamingo was even more amusing because it reminded me of a friend who, after adopting a couple for her porch, found herself deluged with pink flamingo items from well-meaning, misunderstanding family and friends.)

 (I had never heard of this architect before - mainly because I have no familiarity with much of anything related to architecture.)

(But it was almost weird how accurately some of his comments reflected ideas or thoughts that I'd felt while visiting Cuba this summer.  For example, the comment about how preservation transforms historic districts into something else.)

(And his quote here? About poverty and not passing judgment?  I felt something very similar while I was in Cuba - the idea that all I could do was observe - that I had no ability to judge.)

(After reading the very first line of this book review, I was sold.  Sort of.  As in, I'll be looking for this book at the library.)

source: September 2012 issue of Smithsonian

Where I am: CLT
What I'm reading: (nothing at the moment)


Adrianne said…
My friends and I in school eventually began to call Rem Koolhaas "Remmykins". It was a way to create a fun persona and make him more accessible.

If you're ever in Seattle, I highly recommend the central/main library, which his office did. One day I'll visit the CCTV building in Beijing. So very cool. Glad you enjoyed learning more about him.
Lee said…
Thanks for the suggestion! Seattle is definitely on my "must visit" list, so I love getting ideas of places to see when I (eventually) get there. =)

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