this week was good because of...

...a super-fun "dinner and a movie" date night with Wildcat Guy.

...sharing an enormous plate of fajitas.

...the sweet moment of reminiscing about what initially sparked his interest in my online profile.

...seeing a rabbit in the middle of campus.

...and realizing a couple of days later why the rabbit was in such an odd place - because there were bunnies, too! myself a break in the midst of an exhausting week.

...a highly-entertaining note written on the bathroom stall at the movie theater.  Good to know - it saves me from standing in the toilet bowl.

...the preview for a movie that makes it look a little more interesting - okay, appealing - than I thought when I first heard about it.

...a great new nightly devotional book.

...snarky and side-stitching laughter with colleagues over lunch.

...summer squash casserole - made with yellow squash, zucchini and brown rice.  Yummy and healthy (well, healthier).

...remembering that, my own opinions aside, sometimes things just need to get done.

...this really neat idea for improv.

...this year's graduation ceremonies - including a commencement speaker who was both insightful and timely in his comments.

...reminiscing about the fact that this is the first complete "generation" of students I've worked with.  My first year here, they were freshmen...and now they're graduating.

...a thoughtful reminder about the value and detriment of social networking.

...a beautiful full moon framed by the trees and my dining room window.

...finally having the sequel to the video for one of my recent favorites.

...fifty blog posts in April.  Amazing what participating in two different photo projects will do for the number of blog entries in a month!

...finding out that the thermostat in my fridge was set too high the interesting way.  (Who knew you could peel the top layer from a watermelon?!)

...release information about the cookbook from one of my favorite cooking blogs.

...the second annual Cinco de Mayo taco bar dinner for my student staff.

...being so close to the end of the semester!

What made your week good?

Where I am: home
What I'm reading: Lone Wolf by Jodi Picoult


Catt Larson said…
I liked the social network reminder. I should probably read that once a week
Lee said…
Me, too. =)

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