this week was good because of...
...getting so many things done this weekend - big and small - at a pace that allowed me to be kind to myself and relax a little before the (super hectic) last week of the semester.
...moments of clarity, understanding and acceptance during my reflections about my life's priorities and how I manage (or don't manage) them well.
...this thought popping into my brain - "Change requires effort...possibly daunting effort. But nothing worthwhile comes easily."
...opportunities to laugh, have fun and be happy in his company in the midst of busy-ness.
...staying focused (as best I could) during a week of low energy.
...a delightful Saturday morning hike made even better by the sounds of the forest all around me.
...the persistence to finish this year's Week in the Life project.
...this perfect definition of art.
...light, flavorful zucchini fries for dinner (accompanied by grilled pork chops and a salad).
...knowing when to bite my tongue.
...the soul-comforting satisfaction of a favorite movie.
...feeling confident enough to be really myself in my fashion choices.
...the sweet email from our Gru-sitter who described him as a "fuzzy little Buddha, so peaceful and full of love."
...making lots of wi$e food choices this week.
...the addition of some complementary pieces to my china collection.
...getting one of the last Cherry Blossom Centennial commemorative stamp sheets at the local post office.
...staying committed to going for walks. absolutely beautiful book filled with grace, courage and inspiration. I wish everyone would read this book!
...a fun Google doodle.
...the selfishly-rewarding satisfaction of friends not only reading, but also commenting on different things I write about here. (Baker Blonde, I'm looking at you!)
...seeing vintage photos that remind me how important pictures are.
What made your week good?
Where I am: home
What I'm reading: (nothing)