my one little word for the year

As 2011 drew to a close, I realized more and more that I knew exactly what my one little word for 2012 needed to be: life.

And the more I reflected on this word, the more I realized how many of the readings and pictures and snippets I'd collected in my folder of "stuff for my journal" touched on this same concept.

So today, a month into 2012, I thought I'd share some of the bits and pieces I assembled in my journal to represent my intention and vision for the year ahead...

"My word for 2012 - my 'one little word' - is this: LIFE. In other words (or in more words, I suppose), it's making the most out of this life - the one life I've been blessed to have. It means living my life wi$ely...healthily...creatively...genuinely...simply...humbly...faithfully...(and perhaps most significantly) fully!!!"

"Everything I do this year will be an attempt to make me a more well-rounded person...I will start to live now. NO MORE EXCUSES." (from a post in Artful Blogging)

"Happiness is not a station you arrive at, but a manner of traveling." (Margaret Lee Runbeck)

"This becomes a matter of making good choices...of being really candid with myself in eliminating that which does not bring value to my life."

"Where in my life am I trying to do it 'right' or perfectly or making things harder for myself? Where am I not simply using my tools/resources well?" (from a post in Artful Blogging by the author of Superhero Designs)

"It is possible to live our lives blandly going through the motions of working, accomplishing, doing, but to never truly enjoy life...[but] We need to learn how to celebrate in God's joy, to live life 'to the full.' " (from The Confident Woman Devotional by Joyce Meyer)

"Life is a special occasion." (from a Hallmark ad)

With all that in mind, I can say that, today, a month into 2012, I am slowly finding ways - small and large - to not let life be wasted in any way. Here's to a life well-lived - every day.

Where I am: home
What I'm reading: just finished the February issue of InStyle magazine


Kat McNally said…
What a fantastic word, Lee!
May is bring you joy, fulfilment and many (extra)ordinary moments... and perhaps a few surprises along the way!

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