this week was good because of...
...this pretty little piece of art in my mailbox.
...the care and thought he put into picking out my Valentine's Day gifts.
...Wildcat Guy being reasonable in his gift-giving.
...a lovely concert of unique music.
...a lovely Winnie the Pooh card from Mom and Dad. excited my student staff members get about finding Valentine's candy in their mailboxes.
...the opportunity to catch up on professional reading while waiting for my truck's oil change.
...a perfectly-fitting session of yoga. amazing sermon at church today about "finding the love of your life."
...using my crock-pot for the first time... make a delicious Cajun chicken pasta for dinner.
...his gentle, dedicated attention when I'm even minorly injured.
...learning from my students - about balance, wisdom and communication.
...perspective-altering conversations about building a new residence hall on campus.
...a day of scrapbooking.
...traveling lightly - very lightly - on supplies.
...the fun, amusing ways my circles interact on Facebook.
...seeing an interesting movie that was better than I expected (even if it reinforces my theory about Channing Tatum's acting ability).
What made your week good?
Where I am: home
What I'm reading: the Energy issue of Good magazine, and the March/April issue of Semi-Homemade magazine