this week was good because of...

...a visit to a local seasonal establishment on a beautiful autumn day.

...spending the weekend with Wildcat Guy in a very comfortable, natural way.

...picking pumpkins at the pumpkin patch.

...successfully navigating the corn maze. cider and funnel cake.

...the intense energy and spirit in the stadium after an awesome win.

...buying a plane ticket for a December trip to North Carolina (courtesy of a birthday "gift certificate" from Mom & Dad).

...a free black cherry smoothie from Panera.

...a wonderful conversation with a dear friend I hadn't spoken with in far too long.

...babies being born.

...keeping my feet unfashionably warm after a pedicure on a chilly morning.

...returning to a favorite nail color - Quarter of a Cen-cherry.

...being paired with the perfect mentor in the new Women's Mentoring Ministry at church.

...savoring a bowl of gumbo for lunch. Homemade gumbo that a student office worker (who hails from Louisiana) shared from the batch her mom made.

...a heart-warming story in international news.

...finishing the last of three trainings for our campus judicial boards. cute Halloween wreath, featuring Frights the mini Beanie Baby.

...a lovely reminder from DailyOm about the value of leaning on friends.

What made your week good?

Where I am: home
What I'm reading: Timeline by Michael Crichton


Kat McNally said…
I LOVE that top photo.
Cute pedicure solution, too! ;-)

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