little things annoying me lately

...suggesting that factory-processed cheese served in individual plastic-wrapped slices is of the same scientific and technological caliber as the space program. *

...dressing rooms that aren't well-air-conditioned.

...students who don't show up for appointments.

...the unnecessarily repetitive process of returning things at Walmart.

...airfares that seem way too highly-priced for the itineraries. lazy, lazy approach to exercise so far this summer.

Funny how it's the little things that stick in my mind and bother me so much more than the big things. I guess it's true that success lies in the details.

Where I am: home
What I'm reading: the June issue of Self magazine

* And yes, I realize this might be an overanalysis, especially when I do, in fact, like American cheese...but still - aren't you disappointed that "American" cheese is so un-cheese-like?


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