this week was good because of...

...a relaxing weekend with dear friends.

...Wildcat Guy making me a delicious chicken pot pie for dinner.

...a fabulously fun plate filled with tasty Memorial Day cookout food.

...hearing a cool new song on the drive Friday.

...cheering on the Tigers.

...closing the residence halls for the summer.

...a lazy Saturday afternoon at the pool.

...the nail polish color, "Grape Lakes."

...the simple pleasure of supporting vendors at a local farmers' market.

...a yummy treat from Astoria Pastry Shop.

...the lovely comfort of sharing day-to-day moments with someone.

...margaritas at Los Galanes on Friday. And again at the cookout on Sunday.

What made your week good?

Where I am: Michigan
What I'm reading: The Wishing Year by Noelle Oxenhandler


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