common sense not included

I admit...I don't have a lot of common sense. In fact, it's sometimes pretty entertaining how my lack of common sense presents the time I didn't think to take a flashlight to go for a hike up the mountain to see the sun rise. Because you know, since the sun isn't up yet, oh right - it's going to be dark!

Most recently, this shortage of common sense manifested itself in quite an entertaining way...I may have even laughed quite heartily at myself. Earlier this month, I found this shell while hiking out in the woods. Yes - a shell. In the woods. Which seemed very peculiar and mysterious. Why is there a seashell out in the woods of central Kentucky? I pondered and pondered for about a week, until I smacked myself upside the head and realized that no, that's not a seashell. It's probably a snail shell. Because oh right - it's normal for there to be snails in the woods.

Welcome to my corner of the world. It doesn't always make sense, but it's always entertaining.

Where I am: home
What I'm reading: just finished Where the River Ends by Charles Martin


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