what a difference a break-up makes

(For this post to make sense, it will be helpful to know that I broke up with Security Guy a couple of weeks ago...I've just not written about it yet because...well, because I've been busy. So I'll get to that...but in the meantime, here's an interesting little postscript.)

Back in mid-September, Security Guy was so excited about the pair of tickets he'd bought me as a birthday present that he couldn't keep it a secret. At all. He just had to tell me - even though my birthday was only a couple of weeks away. I remember thinking, "wow...considering we've only been dating for two months, that's a pretty nice gift," followed by, "hmm...it wouldn't have been my first choice of performances to attend, but that will still be a neat concert."

What I also remember, though, is his mom's reaction when he told her about the tickets - something joking and sarcastic, something along the lines of, "Well, that's pretty confident. What if she doesn't want to keep you around that long?" (Because the concert is on 17 December.) His response? "Well, I'm giving both tickets to her. She can take whomever she wants." At which point we all had a decent laugh.

But when I broke up with him a couple of weeks ago, I did wonder if it was appropriate for me to keep the tickets. I mean, they're pretty good tickets - and it's not like there's a section in Emily Post's Etiquette about this. So I asked a few friends for advice, and the standard response seemed to be, "Keep 'em. They were a gift." So late last week, I invited a girlfriend to go with me, and we'd planned to make a fun girls' night out of it.

Fast forward to tonight, and this text message (the first communication I've had with him since things ended) - "Not to sound like an ass, but I would like those tickets back. I didn't pay all that money for you to end up taking someone else."

Oh. Really? Umm, wow. That was unexpected.

It's not that I'm angry...because he has a point. Considering his job situation at the time, he spent a fair amount of money on these tickets. However, I am annoyed. Partly because he seems to be implying that I'm going to make a date of it with another guy...which makes me feel a bit like a cheap hussy. But mostly because, for a guy who was so clear about these tickets being a gift back in September, he's sure singing a different tune now.


OH Joneses said…
I still say, keep 'em. Remember- I even told him that he was pretty confident when he told me what he was giving you. SO, lesson learned on HIS part :) Maybe next time he'll think twice about buying a gift with such future commitment ;)
Catt Larson said…
WOW! Keep them and don't think twice about it. They were a gift and no matter what you don't ask for gifts back. His response about how expensive they were is a moot point. It was his choice to spend the money and you shouldn't be punished for his confidence. You know what? Give me his number and I'll tell him!

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