this week was good because of...
...girls' night out after what felt like a long week.
...being on the guest list.
...picking the movie for date night.
...a lazy Sunday lunch of leftovers from PF Chang's, with a side of rice.
...a shut-out win to start the season off right.
...seeing this awesome performance on campus...and never being able to hear Home Depot's slogan the same way again. "You can do it. We can help."
...finding my bridesmaid dress for Shannon's wedding (picture it in black).
...being inspired by a friend's grace and courage.
...getting the envelope with my BC-Notre Dame football tickets.
...laughing at this old-school flashback at the club on Friday night.
What made your week good?
Where I am: home
What I'm reading: The Effects of Light by Miranda Beverly-Whittemore