this week was good because of...

...expressing my creativity in little ways that keep me connected to that part of my brain, even though I don't have the time to really play.

...working and bonding with my student staff during an exhausting, rewarding week of training.

...laughter. Lots of laughter., encouragement and understanding from Security Guy during a busy work week.

...interesting new projects and collaborations at work.

...downtime at Starbucks, made even better by a free drink from the barista.

...challenges and compliments from my division's Assistant Vice President.

...hilarious lip sync performances during the annual staff training lip sync competition.

...dessert therapy at Outback.

...the comfort of a relaxing afternoon at the park with Security Guy after a long week.

...absolutely gorgeous and unseasonably mild weather.

What made your week good?

Where I am: home
What I'm reading: my to-do list!


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