we now return to our regularly scheduled program: this week was good because of...
...the soothing peace of conversation and music around a campfire.
...the inexplicable blend of awe, enthusiasm, contentment and happiness I felt during our staff training.
...the warm welcome received over the past two weeks from my colleagues and students.
...having my own place again, and the fun of unpacking all my favorite things.
...snuggling down into my own covers every night, in my own queen-sized bed.
...the announcement that one of my best friends delivered a healthy, beautiful baby girl.
...laughing so hard with my new colleagues and friends that my sides hurt - every day.
What made your week good?
Where I am: Home
What I'm reading: Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer
Lots and lots and lots of reading in the park under sunshiney blue skies.
And an amazingly wonderful massage and pedicure.
Hope you're having a blast at the new job, Colleen!