the ultimate introvert challenge

“The terms ‘extrovert’ and ‘introvert’ refer to the sources of one’s energy. Introverts gain their energy from their own thoughts, creativity and inner-workings. The converse is also true. When introverts go into large social settings, they tend to feel their energy get sapped. So, while at a party, extroverts will be feeling more and more energetic throughout the festivities, an introvert will expend energy at a much higher pace. The reason? They are ‘out of their element.’

“This is not to say that all introverted people are without social skills or struggle to hold a conversation. The majority of introverts can still interact with others and have meaningful relationships…they simply need to recharge – alone.”

(from “Benefits of Introverts in Peer Education Groups” by Tad Spencer, MA, TAS)

As much fun as I had at my friend’s wedding celebration this past weekend, I have to admit – it was exhausting. And not in the “I danced all night and stayed up ridiculously late” kind of way…it was more in the “I really didn’t know many people” kind of way. See, when I know all of four people at a wedding and two of those people are the bride and groom, enjoying the occasion becomes a bit more challenging. Friends will understand if I prefer to hang back a bit and be more of an observer…if I’d rather linger on the sidelines of a conversation instead of jumping right in. People I’ve just met? May not. Especially when only seven people are at our table. Seriously – who wants to be “that person” sitting at the table not participating in the chit-chat? Not me.

Which meant stepping out of my comfort zone…making conversation…being the outgoing girl I’m really not. And yes, good things happen when I do this. I meet great people, hear new perspectives and occasionally make new friends. But being “out of my element,” as the author calls it above, and putting forth that effort is tiring on any occasion. So to be out of my element for a twelve-hour period at two separate social events with dozens of people I didn’t know? Wow, did it feel nice to walk into my hotel room, close the door and relax...alone.

Ahh, the things we do for our friends.

Where I am: Lebanon, OH
What I’m reading: Odd Hours by Dean Koontz


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