how finding the right job is way too much like finding the right guy

(dedicated to someone who will understand exactly what I’m talking about!)

Since returning to the job market a year ago, I’ve realized that the search for a good job is very much akin to the search for a good relationship – namely, tedious.

It starts with the initial excitement that happens when a job listing catches your eye…the sense of “wow, this match has potential.” Depending on how attractive the job is, there may even be some giddiness involved. Then there’s the first interaction – the first date, if you will…spending time making sure your resume looks its best before putting it out there for a relative stranger’s consideration. If there’s a lack of compatibility, the relationship will come to a quick and fairly painless end. However, if there’s some chemistry and mutual interest, there might be a second date – an invitation for an interview and an opportunity to move beyond those first impressions.

But then comes the absolute worst part of both the job search and the dating process – the wait. No matter how well it feels like the interview went, no matter how much connection you may have felt, the ball is in their court. While you can make some effort to stay in touch, it is essentially up to them to call you and to invite you into a long-term commitment. And truly, the wait is horrible. See, the longer it takes for that phone call to come, the more likely it is that they are not going to choose you. Because while they’re not calling you, they’re still calling other candidates…continuing to pursue other prospective matches. So when they finally do call after an extended wait (or, in the professional world, send a letter), it’s typically with bad news. You had a lot of great qualities...they were very impressed...but they’re no longer interested. They’ve found someone else…a better match...and it’s back to square one you go.

All of which can be summed up in one word – aggravating. Because as in dating, every time the search process starts anew, there’s frustration as you question what about your fantastic self the previous suitors didn't love and yes, a small bit of despair as you wonder if you'll ever find your place. And no matter how often you tell yourself that you'll find the right match at the right matter how supportive your family and friends may be as you matter how confident you are in yourself - you can't help but feel a sense of doubt and misdirection.

However, I've been told that tales of dating and interviewing woes make for wonderful entertainment...especially in the blogging world. So that's helpful. At least one good thing is coming of my miseries as I make my way through not one, but two seemingly-neverending searches. They say "someday my prince will come"...I'm hoping the same is true of my fabulous, as-yet undiscovered job.

Where I am: Lebanon, KY
What I'm reading: Better Single than Sorry by Jen Schefft, The World Without Us by Alan Weisman, and Dear John by Nicholas Sparks


Anonymous said…
The secret to job hunting is to date around. Find more than one opening that looks appealing. Have several interviews each week (or day if you're brave). Then if it comes to it, you'll have TWO offers that you can then pitch against each other.

I totally understand the frustration in waiting. Especially waiting for something that never seems to come. I am a professional when it comes to unemployement as I have done it for months on end.

Keep your chin up. You'll find something that you want that wants you too.
Wow, I've never had a post dedicated to me before. You rock, Colleen :)

Well, I've found 58 openings that look appealing and that I'm qualified for, but I can't date around if none of them even have me on their radar!

Seriously, that was the best post ever because oh, do I know exactly what you mean.

Our princes will come - we're both way too awesome for them not to :)

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