a groundhog day moment

This morning, I overslept a little bit...by like, half an hour. Not a huge deal, and I still made it to work on time. But I always feel a little off when I've overslept, like the wires in my brain are a little mixed up. So as I'm getting dressed, the dj on the radio does her little morning news summary, including a story about President Bush's visit to the nearby Harley Davidson factory this afternoon...

(shift to dialogue inside my head)

Did she just say he's visiting today? No, that can't be. He visited the factory yesterday and then attended some fundraising dinner for one of the gubernatorial candidates. Yeah, that was yesterday. I remember seeing him crack some stupid joke about the candidate's football career during last night's news. Or did I imagine that? I was pretty tired last night while I was watching the news. Man, I'm more muddled from oversleeping than I thought if I'm making things up like this...but I was sure Bush was here yesterday.

(return to dj talking)

...as she realizes she's reading yesterday's news clips, and I breathe one very big sigh of relief that I'm not reliving Wednesday.

Where I am: Home
What I'm reading: Life of Pi, and After the Last Race by Dean Koontz


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