seeking prayers and kind thoughts

...not for me, but a friend.

Tonight, in between dinner and the Tristan Prettyman concert (which I will post more on later but which is so not that important right now), I got a message from my friend Catt in North Carolina (whom I'm going to visit this weekend), saying she had something urgent to tell me and to call whenever I could. Not the type of voice mail you want to get. There were so many scenarios that flashed through my head, but one of the most prevalent was concern for a friend of ours who is pregnant. After a short game of phone tag, Catt called and confirmed my fears - that our friend has been admitted to the hospital after a series of recent tests came back with not-so-good results. It sounded like the doctors weren't quite sure what the problem might be, so they're going to be doing even more tests over the weekend, but that just seems to make it worse - that they don't know what to do or how to treat her just yet. The one small blessing in this is that all signs seem to indicate the baby is healthy and doing well.

So if you could please keep my friend, her husband, their baby and their families in your thoughts and prayers this weekend, it would mean so me, and to all of us who care about her.


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