Dear Mother Nature

Dear Mother Nature -

Please make it stop raining! I can understand that we need the rain, and over the weekend we seemed to have a great system set up of rain in the morning and either clouds or sunshine in the afternoon. Haven't you ever heard that if it's not broken, you shouldn't fix it? Because honestly? Waking up to thunder and lightning is kinda cool...doing it twice in one morning is a little much. That it hasn't stopped raining since then is definitely overkill! Don't get me wrong...I like playing in the rain. Just not for twelve hours straight. And while laying on my couch for the afternoon to read the new Dean Koontz book with a soundtrack of falling rain was peaceful and relaxing, the book would have been just as pleasant to read by the pool.

And please don't shush me by mentioning the beautiful sunny weather we're supposed to have this weekend. I won't be here, so that does me no good.

a very water-logged sleepeybear

A couple of hours later -

P.S. Thank you! The break in the rain, however temporary, is much appreciated!


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