
That's where I'm starting in my long-overdue quest to be healthy. That's right - healthy. I'm not aiming to lose a certain number of pounds, I'm not getting in shape for a special occasion, I'm not fulfilling any doctor's orders. I just feel this compelling desire to be healthier...to be in better shape than I am (or have been in quite a long time)...to feel like I'm doing a better job of caring for my physical being.

Originally, I thought I'd say, "I want to lose X pounds"...but I don't want to be consumed by the number on the scale, or disappointed if I can't reach that "magic number". I want the focus to be on what I can accomplish, not what I can't. Besides, they say that muscle weighs more than (fat) so I know that the scale can only do so much in measuring my progress.

So here's to getting exercise (regularly!), eating well (even on the road) and generally taking good care of myself (ahem - getting sleep!).

Where I am: Home (even if I don't answer my phone)
What I'm reading: The DaVinci Code by Dan Brown


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