
Do you ever have this burning question on your mind that just won't go away? A question that you feel you really need an answer to, or you'll go crazy? A question that follows you around, no matter what you're doing? A question that you're desperate to ask, and yet afraid to hear the answer to? You know - that question you carry on the tip of your tongue for a week, only to chicken out and stash away in a journal?

I'm so torn right now between seeking out the answers I feel like I really need, or trusting that the answers will be revealed in good time. Because I'm a fairly patient person, except when it comes to my emotions and my heart. In my mind, if you feel a certain way, you should share that...and yet I know that not everyone feels the same. I've learned from experience that honest emotion can be a bit on the scary side for other people, especially when it comes to relationships of the romantic variety. So over the past few years (or maybe more), I've learned the virtue of thinking and considering before I speak, the value of biding my time in expressing myself.

Yet I find myself at the end of that proverbial rope right now...wanting to ask someone these questions so badly, and yet holding back for fear of altering a relationship that's so special just the way it is. I'm reminded of a poem by Langston Hughes, that speaks of the sorrow of not giving voice to your feelings. So here I am, trying to decide which I'd regret more - asking or not asking these questions that have taken hold of my brain and my heart.

I just don't know.

Where I am: Falls Church, VA
What I'm reading: Night by Elie Wiesel


Anonymous said…
The Answer to The Ultimate Question Of Life, the Universe and Everything is 42.

Here I have proof.
Anonymous said…
I know exactly how you feel. And Karen is right--the answer is 42.
Lee said…
Hmmm...42? Nope...don't quite think that answers the question I have in my mind.
The Rube said…
If 42 isn't the answer to your question then you just have the wrong question.
Dan said…
In the timeless words of 8 very prophetic people in NYC, "No day but today."

If you need to know, you should ask. If a relationship is strong, it can survive a question.

I also don't think that "42" answers your question regarding choking a Smurf. Which is just really messed up to begin with...

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