"You can love your pets...

...just don't looooove your pets." Sounds like good advice...too bad my family and I don't listen. See, the three cats and a dog that we have at my parents' house...yeah, they get treated like people all the time...we definitely "loooove" them. But I finally realized just how bad we've gotten about that when Mom emailed me yesterday to confirm my travel arrangements. She said:

"I've told both Shiro and Kuma that you'll be here Wednesday and we're all excited."

Shiro? Is our oldest cat, my baby, and quite possibly the sweetest cat in eternity. Kuma? Is our dog. I know, I know...in the logical scheme of things, they have no idea what my mom told them...they most likely were just nodding and smiling, while wondering when the next meal was. But when I talked to Mom tonight, she also said that Kuma is acting jumpy and weird, the way he normally does when he's waiting for her or Dad to come home, even though they're both there. She said it's as if he knows I'm coming home, just doesn't comprehend the idea of "Wednesday". So it makes you wonder...does he really understand what she told him? Is he smarter than we give him credit for? Or are we just nuts and imagining things?

No matter...I still can't wait to see my pup and my kitties, and my family, too. It's Christmas vacation time, and what a great time of year that is! Ten whole days at home, to do whatever I want...now that, my friends, is pure luxury.

Where I am: Home (for about six more hours)


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