Trip down memory lane
Normally, when I visit Mom and Dad, I don't spend much time driving around town or in the larger area. But today, en route from their new house over to Eastern Kentucky University, I was absolutely amazed at how many different memories were brought to mind by the various roads I was taking. Things I hadn't though about in ages...they all came back as I drove...going to Governor's Scholars, competing in pageants, never missing a football game Senior year, knowing even then how much fun roadtripping is, spending hours on a school bus with the girls' basketball team (as a manager) or the academic team (as a member) or field trips...ahh, the reminiscing you can do in a two-hour drive.
Where I am: Richmond, Kentucky
What I'm reading: notes for my presentations tomorrow
Where I am: Richmond, Kentucky
What I'm reading: notes for my presentations tomorrow