Coming full circle

Throughout high school and college, I participated in a lot of walks and fundraisers for community organizations...Relay for Life for the American Cancer Society, Bowling for Babies for March of Dimes, and so on. Every time, demonstrating many times over why they are so wonderful, my parents would write a check.

Since I finished school, I haven't participated in many community projects...but in an interesting turn of events, my mom's company is sponsoring a team for their local Relay for Life. Once I recovered from the shock of the small hometown having their own Relay, I decided to return the favor Mom and Dad had so graciously bestowed throughout the years, and mailed off my check.

It feels odd when you switch places with your parents.

Where I am: Home
What I'm reading: My Year of Meats by Ruth Ozeki, and Saving Private Ryan by Max Alan Collins


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