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this week was good because...

 ...we celebrated our puppy's fourth birthday! (And yes, she will always be our "puppy" no matter how old she gets.) ...Wildcat Guy and I celebrated our 11th wedding anniversary, including dinner from our favorite local Italian restaurant.  ...the little dude visited his first pumpkin patch (and was patient with my efforts to take some cute pictures). cider doughnuts are a thing. students did an excellent job leaning into our conversations about the book we're reading. campus hosted a phenomenal, thought-provoking speaker in celebration of LGBTQIA+ History Month. ...the chili "cook-off" (which was really a potluck) with Wildcat Guy's colleagues was a lovely gathering of great people and good food. ...I showed myself grace in the midst of a tiring week. What made your week good?  What I'm reading: The Alchemist  by Paulo Coelho

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this week was good because of...

this week was good because...

this week was good because...

this first week of 2022 was good because...

this week was good because...

this week was good because...

this week was good because...

this week was good because...

this week was good because...