this week was good because of...

...Saturday-morning Christmas shopping with Wildcat Guy. (If we look excited, it's because we just accomplished a lot - and wi$ely.)

...a weekend full of Christmas spirit (see more below).

...Gru's health improving, and relief that he likes - or should I say loves - the canned food the vet has asked me to begin feeding him.

...Wildcat Guy's help and concern in caring for our kitty.

...hanging up the Christmas-tree wreath, which looks delightful with our new ornament hanging in the center.

...a really neat holiday-but-not-holiday movie. (For the record, Easter is a lovely, creative place!)

...enjoying the cheer and talent of the campus Christmas concert.

...a small moment of time on Thursday morning to snuggle with Wildcat Guy and Kitty.

...the sweet holiday logo that I found online (and have posted at the top of the sidebar on the right) - courtesy of this talented artist.

...the beautiful Christmas celebration my staff hosted Saturday night.

...pumpkin waffles (with a side of bacon). amazing polar bear gift guide that made me smile.

...having a reason to dress up - because it's so rare that I have the opportunity to dress for a formal occasion any more. (Please pardon the worn pedicure.)

...not having to buy anything new for the formal occasion! The blouse, skirt and heels were all things I already had in my closet.

...a successful experiment in gluten-free baking.

...the way that certain personalities are so much easier to work with than others (and how quirky it is to run into those personalities unexpectedly).

...this neat movie mash-up that is a unique highlight reel of 2012 cinema.

...the hilarious skittish moment of discovering that a mouse had invaded the drawer of snacks I keep at work. (Peanut butter seems to be the favored flavor - but I was highly entertained by the fact that he also tasted the ketchup on the far left.)

...celebrating the December graduates today.

...a huge bowl of salad goodness for dinner. (And yes, there is a large pile of veggies underneath the layer of egg, crouton and cheese on top.)

...progress on program plans for a conference I'm attending next semester.

...having a true partner to help when life gets crazy.

What made your week good?

Where I am: home
What I'm re-reading: just finished Committed by Elizabeth Gilbert


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